(817) 799-7527

The Best Treatment for Cluster Headache


Cluster headaches are known as a type of primary headache. These occur less often than migraines but can be just as severe and disabling. They come on suddenly, usually lasting for several hours, although symptoms may last up to three days. The most common symptom is a throbbing head pain that can begin on one Continue Reading…

What Is the Treatment for Tension Headache?


Tension headaches are extremely painful. The head usually feels tight and heavy, and pressure around the eyes can be felt. They also feel like they’re about to explode, but without actually being able to see them. These headaches occur when muscles in the neck tighten, which creates a great deal of discomfort and pain. It’s Continue Reading…

Headache Treatment


The Caffeine Connection and Chronic Daily Headache Treatment Millions of Americans seek treatment for chronic daily headaches. These headaches can last several days and then return in a flash. They often appear in teenage years and can last into adulthood. Doctors say it’s an ancient condition, but doctors have just recently given it a name: Continue Reading…