Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a very common condition and affects millions worldwide. Most people who suffer from DDD experience pain in their back. However, other problems can occur as well such as nerve damage and loss of mobility due to spinal cord compression. Many people struggle to find relief until they seek medical attention. Continue Reading…
Month: September 2022
The Best Treatment for Cluster Headache
Cluster headaches are known as a type of primary headache. These occur less often than migraines but can be just as severe and disabling. They come on suddenly, usually lasting for several hours, although symptoms may last up to three days. The most common symptom is a throbbing head pain that can begin on one Continue Reading…
What Is Degenerative Disc Disease?
What Is Degenerative Disc Disease? Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is the most common form of arthritis in adults. DDD usually develops between ages 30 and 50 and affects more than 60% of Americans by age 65. There’s no cure for this condition, but there are ways to relieve some symptoms. For example, physical therapy can Continue Reading…
Discover the Degenerative Disc Disease Symptoms and Treatments That You Can Use Today
In order to fully understand a condition, you need to be able to identify all its symptoms. If you are suffering from degenerative disc disease, then you should know that there is no cure. However, there are some treatments available for people who suffer from these conditions. The first step you can take to treat Continue Reading…
What’s the Best Treatment for Whiplash?
When someone experiences a car accident they can suffer from neck injuries such as whiplash, which means that their head has been jolted backward or forwards suddenly. A person may experience whiplash after being involved in an auto collision. This can cause damage to the muscles and ligaments around the neck region. Whiplash treatment is Continue Reading…
Whiplash Symptoms: What Are They?
Whiplash is an injury that occurs when someone’s head strikes something hard, such as the steering wheel of a car after being involved in a traffic accident. The force of the impact causes ligaments and muscles on the back of the neck to stretch beyond their normal range. This results in pain, stiffness, and/or numbness Continue Reading…
How Is Whiplash Injury Treated?
If you’ve ever been involved in an accident where your head was whipped back and forth, you may be familiar with whiplash. In fact, whiplash is one of the most common types of road accidents that occur every year. This can happen when a vehicle hits something like another car or a pedestrian at high Continue Reading…
What Are the Different Types of Arthritis?
There are many kinds of arthritis in dogs. There is osteoarthritis, which happens as a result of wearing down joints over time. Osteoarthritis can happen in almost every joint of a dog, but some tend to be more prone than others. For example, older dogs are more likely to develop degenerative hip disease and other Continue Reading…
Discover the Most Effective Natural Treatments for Whiplash
There are many ways that you can recover from whiplash. One of these methods involves using natural treatments and techniques. These types of treatments are usually safer than conventional medicine because they will not cause side effects. If you suffer from whiplash, you need to find the most effective natural treatment available so you can Continue Reading…
What Is the Treatment for Tension Headache?
Tension headaches are extremely painful. The head usually feels tight and heavy, and pressure around the eyes can be felt. They also feel like they’re about to explode, but without actually being able to see them. These headaches occur when muscles in the neck tighten, which creates a great deal of discomfort and pain. It’s Continue Reading…